Learning And Schools
Learn to fly a hang glider or paraglider
Since the dawn of time, mankind has looked up at the sky and watched the birds soaring effortlessly overhead, and longed to join them.
That dream is now a reality. Modern hang gliders and paragliders can climb thousands of feet up into the air, and cover distances of hundreds of miles, with no power save the movement of the atmosphere.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves!
Hang gliders and paragliders are fully fledged aircraft, and as with any aircraft, carefully structured professional pilot training is essential if serious accidents are to be avoided.
So how do I get started?
Whilst recreational clubs are always willing to offer advice and encouragement, initial instruction should always be undertaken at a BHPA registered school.
A list and map of BHPA registered schools can be found at http://www.bhpa.co.uk/schools/
The BHPA manage the qualification scheme for all free flight pilots, and also provide liability insurance for all qualified pilots.
Learning to fly a hang glider or paraglider can be great fun, and isn‘t as difficult or as daunting as you might think, provided you receive professional instruction from a BHPA licensed instructor.
Once you have gained your Club Pilot rating you will be able to fly solo within the safe and friendly environment of a BHPA recreational club, like the Dover and Folkestone Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club. You can also visit other clubs and sites in the UK, or the world.