The club provides coaching for all levels from newly qualified Club Pilots right up to competition level, and all levels in between. We have a lot of coaches in the club who are happy to help you out.
We can provide initial help if you are new to the club and are just post-CP, or even if you are qualified but not current. We can join you on the hillside and help you to judge the site and weather conditions, and help you to gain more confidence and develop your skills in a safe environment.
We run lecture courses for pilots wanting to progress from CP to Pilot rating and then on to Advanced Pilot.
The Club Chief Coach is Gary Rothery. Please contact Gary if you are planning to go out and want a coach to be around, he will contact the coaches and arrange for someone to join you on the hill. Ideally you'll need to give Gary a couple of days notice to help get in touch with people.
A WhatsApp message direct to Gary is often the best way to get hold of him, you can also use WhatsApp to let others know when you are thinking of going out, or to report any news from the sites.
The coach names, profile photos and their paragliders are given below (once you're signed in), this information is also given in the New Members Guide which is sent to you when you join. The New Members Guide also contains all the details you need to get going with WhatsApp as well as contact phone numbers.

Antonio Burian

Cosmin Burian

Phil Clark

John Finagin

Nigel Gilbert

Gordon Jessop

Andrew Hopper

Luis Martinez Iturbe

Gabriel Popovici

Gary Rothery

James Saunders

Shaun Tooth

Steve Uzochukwu